- IELTS Coaching
The more you listen the more powerful your ears be. Attention towards what you listen will help you grab best answers out of it. Listening module of IELTS has four sections. You will have 40 questions in total and you have to attend them in 30 minutes. Answers will be hidden in the vocal script running as your listening audio. You will be provided Headphones for best listening. Listen the Audio answer the questions and write answers in the answer sheet.
The reading module of IELTS is a Hide & Seek qame. Your answers will be infront of you but you need to be peculiar in finding them. Reading will have 40 questions in 3 sections and you will be given passages out of which you have to search answers and put them on answer sheets within 60 minutes. Use your searching skills and be a Spy to find your best answers.
The World of Imagination. Put your ideas and reframe them as your answer. Writing module is divided into two parts. If you are giving Academic IELTS then Part 1 will be Graph/Chart/Flow/Map. If you are giving General IELTS then Part 1 will be letter writing (Formal/Informal). Writing Part 1 has to be finished in 20 minutes by with a limit of 150 words. Part 2 will be Essay writing using 250 words in 40 minutes. Your language command, vocabulary & Synchronization will be judged. You will be provided answer sheets for both the parts.
Every being on this planet has the right of speaking. The only sense of a human being to make other one know their thoughts is by speaking up. A vocal communication in a proper projection cumulatively creates a speaking module. It is divided in three parts and an applicant is required to finish all of them by 15 to 20 minutes. In Part 1 an examiner sitting in front of you asks you about basic questions for introduction to make you comfortable for upcoming parts. Part 2 is a Que Card where you would be given a thought following certain questions and you have to speak on that topic continuously for 2 minutes. Part 3 will be Counter Questions linked up with the topic given to you as Que Card. Whole speaking will be recorded and you will be judged accordingly.

- Immigration
Immigration is a dream for someone or whole family. To migrate from own land to another, is the biggest decision for any one in life. The toughest decision once made becomes wings to fly towards bright future ahead. Every country welcomes immigrants on a great scale and provide all the necessary help. To migrate from birth land to an unknown land is not easy but we will help you out throughout the procedure till you land in that beautiful future world of yours. To fulfil your migration dream Immigration visa is required of destination country.

- Student Visa
There is no age limit to gain knowledge. Studying outside home country is always considered to be best role player in a student’s life. The student not only learn subjects but also learn living values themselves by staying away from their families and loved ones. It is always a great experience to study abroad, stay on their own and learn the best out of all. School graduates, College/ University graduates/ any education completion students can apply for abroad studies other than home country to learn something new with new techniques. To study abroad student visa of the foreign country is required.

- Temporary Resident Visa
Meeting our own people out of our native country is the happiest thing of one’s life. Travelling is always the most relaxing, beautiful, peaceful and adventurous thing one can do. It gives an individual break from the routine chaos and provides utmost peace of mind. People/ places whom/which we see electronically can be actually in front of us. New places, new culture, knowing more people and understanding difference between the native country and the visiting country can be a real adventure. Some countries allow visitors/ tourists to land directly without any requirement of visas, while there are many countries which require Visitor/ Tourists visa for entering their territory.

- Work Visa
To work is in a way Proving our own skills on a platform we get. In-Field or Off-Field, anywhere whenever we get an opportunity we are ready to work. To enhance your working platform “We at FWC” are readily available for the same. Overseas working is always an open window to prove your skills in their market. With a wide range of employment options now you can surely think to work abroad. To work in any country outside your home country is a great opportunity for your career. We are a bridge between you and your skilled job outside your home country FWC will assist your throughout the process for your work visa. Work visa would be mandatory for anyone willing to work outside their home country. we provide services for work visa for Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Some of Schengen Countries. We provide employment search assistance, visa application, and all the references for filing up your work visa. Choose us to nurture your career with OUR BEST SERVICES.

- Travel Planning
Most of the unplanned trips are enjoyable & full of excitement. Majorly this depends upon the Place & People we are travelling with. If we are thinking to travel for a fix reason, then there is no need of any specific planning but if there is only leisure or fun, then at times planning will enhance the trip. Undoubtedly, if anybody is willing to travel abroad or outside their home country, then planning becomes a mandate part. Before visiting, know the place to avoid uncertainty and sometimes unexpected, unwanted situations. Readiness usually completes the meaning of Trip, whereas Planning with readiness fulfill the trip. Where to stay, where & what to eat, what to do are the basic searches to be done as your travel plan. “We at FWC” are ready to be your travel planners for your trip as well as your Visas to be applied. All the types of options would be available for your journey from starting to the end of your trip. Avail Our Planning & Services to Travel to Your Dreamy land.